About Us

Hyperthyroid cat

We are a team of experts in feline hyperthyroidism, providing a gold standard cure for your cat, with radio-iodine therapy.

Our team here at The Hyperthyroid Cat Centre are cat lovers, with the majority owning their own cat(s) – which you can see in each of our biographies! Andrew Bodey our clinical director has had extensive experience in this highly advanced field, and all of our team receive regular training and updates. What’s more, the photographs you see on this site are of cats which have been patients at The Hyperthyroid Cat Centre, and who have returned home permanently cured of their hyperthyroidism.

We currently have a 99% success rate for radio-iodine treatments carried out at the Centre – something we are extremely proud of. We are always looking for ways to improve all we do – not only clinical outcomes but also making ourselves more accessible to cat owners and as easy and convenient as possible for referring vets to work with. We are dedicated to the care and wellbeing of cats and our vision is to make the gold-standard cure of feline hyperthyroidism, radio-iodine, easily available to the approximately 100,000 cats in the UK with the condition.

What We Do

We provide radio-iodine treatment, allowing your cat to come home permanently cured from hyperthyroidism - in as little as 4 days!

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Who We Are

We are first and foremost a team of cat lovers. Please read our biographies and say hello to our own cats!

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location of The Hyperthyroid Cat Centre

Where We Are

We are located in Wetherby, North Yorkshire, conveniently located near the A1(M) motorway.

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Huggie has hyperthyroidism

Participate In Research

If you would like to participate in our research, we would be delighted to hear from you.

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Top Quality Care for Your Cat

We really value the cat-owner relationship (we each have cats of our own) and each of our patients is treated as an individual

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  • A permanent cure, usually with just one treatment
  • No side effects
  • Cost-effective over time

We know how stressful it is to have a cat diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. Please contact us and we’ll do our best to answer any questions or concerns you may have.