
Cat Stories

Tiny Wrote Her Own Thank You!

Hi It’s Tiny Brown here Post treatment for my Hyperthyroidism.

I didn’t enjoy being away from home as it is the first time I have (not slept in my own bed) for about nine years since my present staff adopted me but I have to say you looked after me very well and my every need was catered for. I am also very glad that you moved my things down stairs as I live in a bungalow and haven’t seen steps/ladders before.

We got home ok without me being ill but I cried a lot on the journey.  It was lovely to be home back in familiar surroundings and smells which is why I cannot understand why I also cried quite a lot for the rest of the evening.

I have been living in the conservatory for most of my time coming out only for my staff to feed me.

I was taken to the vets on Tuesday (which I did not enjoy) for my first blood test since coming home and to add insult to injury they shaved under my chin again just as it had grown back. They said it would be about a week when the results would be ready. I gave them a copy of my discharge notes and asked them to send you a copy of the results.

I overheard the staff talking the other day that they think they have been given the wrong cat back as they think I have changed for the better they say I like to be on my own more but also when I am with them I am so much more loving and doing things I didn’t do before I would always turn my back on them when I lay next to them but now I face them when I lay down with them. That will have to be all for now as all this typing has really tired me out and I need a rub down with a wet lettuce and a lay down in a darkened room.

And once again thank you for looking after me so well.

I am so much more loving and doing things I didn’t do before I would always turn my back on them when I lay next to them but now I face them when I lay down with them.

Tiny's own words on his recovery