Cat Owners


Vet's CPD

“Please pass our thanks to Andrew for a thoroughly fascinating insight into a frustrating condition, without the selective information filter, hype and hard-sell that comes from drug companies, and at just the right level to keep us engaged without going over our heads!! And, of course, for lunch, which is always very much appreciated!”.


“I’d like to thank you for your excellent lecture you’ve given us here last week. I’ve learned a lot and I’ll definitely spread the knowledge you’ve shared with me (especially with my colleagues from Poland). It was really amazing and made me think about hyperthyroidism in cats more, so that was a really useful lesson and I will read/learn more about it.Thank you so much!”


“One of our medical vets has left some feedback for Andrew if you wouldn’t mind passing it onto him. She started out by saying that the talk was one of the best she has ever been to”.


“Thank you for your presentation last night Andrew, it was excellent”.


“Andrew was very enthusiastic – evidence-based medicine and ‘so up to date’”.


“Good presentation materials – nice to include a real case (the cat!!)”.


“Good discussion between speaker and vets”.


“The possible causes of hyperthyroidism and the comparisons of different methods of treating were very useful”.


“A very interesting and thought provoking session. Certainly will help to explain options to clients and hopefully persuade more to go for gold standard treatment”.


“I must compliment you on your client and vet information I have seen to date. The client information is written by some one keen on treating with radioactive iodine (!) but it is well thought through and designed to make the task of referral much easier”.


“I thoroughly enjoyed Andrew’s webinar on hyperthyroidism. There was some very interesting information on aetiopathogenesis and the protocols on radioactive treatment were not as difficult for owners as I had previously thought!”.


“Thank you again for making the referral process in this case so simple and easy”.